Project details
Sa. 1.06
Love Generation · Best of 90s & 2000s w/ DJ ILL-C
Di. 4.06
fuchsteufelswild – die 2h party
Do. 6.06
NICE w/ Darius Motazed & Chewi Fair
Fr. 7.06
Goosebumps w/ Pretty B, The Savage, AYO
Sa. 8.06
Beatz n Boys w/ TBA
So. 9.06
Di. 11.06
fuchsteufelswild – die 2h party
Mi. 12.06
Wedsndays Hip Hop w/ Out4Fame Dj Team
Do. 13.06
NICE w/ Thalo Santanas B Day
Fr. 14.06
V!BEZ w Dj Tam-R, Nadia Tchari, O-Sun
Sa. 15.06
Panama Festival x Kulturdeck Afterhowparty
Di. 18.06
fuchsteufelswild – die 2h party
Mi. 19.06
Wedsndays Hip Hop Vorfeiertagsspecial w/ Harris aka DJ BIN ICH NICH & Dj O-Sun
Do. 20.06
NICE w/ David Hasert & Avocado
Fr. 21.06
Night of the Residents – Eintritt frei bis 0Uhr – Hip Hop
Sa. 22.06
Durch die Nacht w/ EJECA (BPitch Control / UK) , Chromat (DDN) b2b Marc Hethey (DDN), Dirk Sid Eno (Dantze I DDN), Eszter b2b Martin Mercer (WIR Schwestern)
Di. 25.06
fuchsteufelswild – die 2h party
Mi. 26.06
Wedsndays Hip Hop w/ Smeezy & Guest
Do. 27.06
NICE w/ youlaike & friends
Fr. 28.06
Party Next Floor w/The Savage – All Night
Sa. 29.06
Mukkefuchs pres Detlef , David Hasert & Tolstoi